Perforior are for all intents and purposes, the normal humans of this world. They come in many shapes and sizes and are the most numerous species on this planet. They are however relatively new to Centris, only having arrived at the start of the 9th Era when they began large scale colonization of the continent. The Perforior hold but one faith, and this is the faith in the Light. A faith with angel diety's who give miracles to their followers, but hunts down what they deem demonic. Not all perforior, however, gold this faith. Some live in barbarian clans, whilst others roam the sea in living boats.
Perforior Get 2 free skill points in a non-magical mastery of their choice.

Choosing your race is a big part of making your character. In Shards of Immortality, there are a bunch of races you can choose from. These races each have their own stats and will give you a baseline to start making your one character.



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The Atem-Dulla where a former part of the Perforior. Although they did something, something no one knows, that altered their entire existence. While they still look mostly like Perforior, they are born with swirling tattoo's underneath their eyes, witch grow the more knowledge they attain. These tattoos allow them to absorb knowledge faster and has turned them into the premiere technological race on the globe. Their culture revolves around technology and the gathering of knowledge, and thus Atem-Dulla with large tattoo's hold significantly higher posts in their society.
The Atem-Dulla get a free Skill Point in the tinkerer's tree.
The Cicartri originated as part of the Atem-Dulla. But along the way, they gained knowledge so great, so absolute and so forbidden, that even they themselves don't remember it. This event changed them considerably. Their skin turned a dark blue, the tattoo's under their eyes became black scars. The white of their eyes turned an endless black and their iris a bright orange. They are a deeply repressed people and shut themselves off from most outsiders. None of them remember the event that turned them into what they are now, but they still have nightmares about it, even if they weren't even born at the time.
The Cicartri can shield their minds from all things once per day for an hour. During this time, no one can glean any information from their face or body language. Not even magical means can read their thoughts.


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Starting Health

After the disaster that changed the Cicartri, some Atem-Dulla sought out a more quiet life in the desert. They became the Soltem. Their tattoo's slowly faded, and dry cracking skin began to fill the gaps in between them. They are a hard people, shaped by the desert they live in. They roam around the dessert in 4 big caravans, each having their own characteristics.
Soltem only needs to eat and drink once every week and can take long and short rests without food. They also get Advantage on all checks relating to survival.

The Ferin are an almost beastlike race. They Live in big packs, who travel the snowy planes of their home continent. They value strength over cunning, and live by the law of the fittest. A Ferin usually only lives for 50 years, and this gives them a real "Live Fast, Die Young" mentality. Ferin look a lot like normal humans, with only a few more bestial differences. Their jaw and mouth stick a little more forward; their nails and teeth grow stronger and longer; and their hair grows along their upper back as much as it does on their head. Ferin are outsiders on the continent of Centris, and usually, stay away from crowded and civilized places. Due to their history of raiding and murdering, they are usually outcast, if not outright hunted, by other races.
Ferin have a naturally strong mouth, this gives them the option of using their bite as an improvised weapon. Their senses are tuned to perfection, which gives them advantage on perception checks.

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Starting Health

The Cerunn are the original inhabitants of Centris. Before the colonization, they roamed the lush forests and rocky mountains in tune with nature. They are a naturally neutral race and prefer peace over conflict. They have a calm aura over them, while they stand 3 heads taller than a grown human male. The Cerunn live for up to 300 years, during which they grow wise and slow. They don't eat meat, only if there is no other way of surviving will this rule be broken. Instead, they stick to Timber Berry's, a fruit that lasts a grown Cerunn the entire day, and gives them all the nutrients they need. Cerunn are allergic to metal. even being in the vicinity of a small amount can make them feel sick. Touching it will leave nasty burn marks. Cerunn make tools and weapons out of a substance known as ironwood. This looks like metal but is in all actuality wood.
The Cerunn has 3 subraces among them. The main characteristic that changes for these, is their horns.
Forest Born Cerunn has the horns of a deer.
Rock Born Cerunn has the horns of a mountain goat
Snow Born Cerunn has the horns of a muse.
Cerunn have a big part of antlers in their head that they can use as an improvised weapon.

The Gobah are a rare sight on any continent, only living in small communities scattered across the entire globe. They stand two heads taller than a grown male Perforior, and are covered from head to toe in fur. They have strong and big arms, a big torso but relatively small legs. They have small horns protruding from their head, and a big nose crowning their face. The Gobah are born Smits, and they each have the hidden knowledge to grow metal inside of stone boulders. They do this through a hidden ritual, and each Gobah makes a unique metal when they are still a child. Forging a tool out of this metal is a coming of age ritual for them. This tool is called their Soul Tool. They keep it with them for their entire life. If a Gobah were to lose their Soul Tool, they will fall into a deep depression, and often times will die from sadness not long after.
A Gobah starts off with their Soul Tool. This Tool is so specifically crafted for them, that they can give it some energy and in turn, it will enhance their skill at whatever the tool is meant for. For example, a Soul Weapon might give advantage on an attack, but a Soul Wrench might give a very crafty Gobah advantage on a tinkering Check.

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Starting Health

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Starting Health

The Bohoshi are a distant relative of the Perforior although they are mentally en physically very different. The Bohoshi live in harmony with a race of big and intelligent birds. When a Bohoshi is born, it is laid to bed with an egg of one of these birds. The bird that hatches is always the opposite sex of the Bohoshi, and the type of bird they hatch as depends on the personality of the Bohoshi. They call the bond these two share, Kinship. This kinship allows them to sense the presence of each other, To understand each other's emotions and while it doesn't let them telepathically communicate, they do understand each other on a supernatural level. The Bohoshi are in fact so intuned with their Kin, that their own bodies started to resemble them more. While they still look mostly human, they have thin feathers growing in between their hares, Small feathers grow on their arms, and their bones are hollow, making them very light.
Bohoshi always start the game with Mark of the Wild as their Claiming Magic Mastery. This gives them access to their Kin as their pet. Their kin will grow to the size of "Medium" as soon as the Bohoshi's Mark of the Wild level is high enough to accommodate this. And they will further grow to the size of "Large" once their Mark of the Wild level allows this. Additionaly, Bohoshi are so light, that they don't leave meany foor prints, bon't break ice and don't set of preasure based traps when they walk.