The Hunter is a master at tracking its Prey. Once there target is set, nothing can stop them from getting the kill.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
Hunters mark a Creature as Prey and get bonuses on tracking them, sneaking up on them and much more. Initially, they can only mark a Creature that they can see, but they soon learn to mark a Creature just by finding a trace of them.
A creature remains marked until the Hunter ends the mark, or until they take a long rest.

Profession Mastery's are Skills that don't necessarily give you more combat prowess. They are Skills that you can use outside of combat and will give you even more tools under your belt and round out your party.
There is no restriction on the amount of Profession Mastery's you can have, but you don't have to take any if you don't want to.

Profession Mastery's

A Bard is a born performer. Once they start a performance, creatures can't help but be captivated. They are now in the Bard's grasp, and by changing their story, the Bard has full control.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
Bards can perform a song or tell a tale that lasts up to 1 minute. Creatures that hear or see there performance must make a Mind check to see if they become captivated or not. If they fail the check, they are captivated and will be distracted by the performance for the full duration.
The bard can morph there performance to apply effects on all captivated creatures.

A master of the shadows, the Thief has an arsenal of tricks up there sleeve to aid them in their unsavory practices.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
Thieves are great at pickpocketing, lockpicking and disguising themselves for a quick getaway. They record there skills and hide their tools in a "Playbook". As the book grows, their toolkit grows with it.

A master craftsman, the Tinkerer's true passion is inventing. Given some time and materials, they can make any gadget they can think of.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
As a tinkerer, you can make a Tinkering(Mind) Check once per day, to see if you can make a gadget. This takes 2 hours.
A tinkerer can make gadgets they think up or use blueprints that they can buy in a store. If they use a BluePrint, they get advantage on there Tinkering Check.

A good plan is worth a lot, that is the motto of the Strategist. Give them some time and space to think, and they can make a plan for any situation.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
You can take 30 min to think out a plan of action. you must know the location and all the components. This plan can be for combat or any other encounter.
If you have a plan, you get to roll three D20, note the value, you can assign the value to a roll of a creature that knows the plan. You must use all your rolls in the planned for the encounter. you can assign the rolled values to creatures that you can see, and only once per turn. you must declare the value change before the roll is made, and all values can only be used once

As a Star Gazer, you believe that every soul is connected to a star and that, by making the proper calculations, you can locate that star.
Character Creation: 5 Advancement Points.
The Star Gazer is equipped with a star map, on this map they mark all the stars they have located.
A Stargazer can take 1 hour with a willing target and ask them questions. at the end of this duration, the stargazer learns the location of the target's star. At night, the Star Gazer can take 30min to look up a star they have already located, and glean information from that star.
For example, the star of their friend is smaller than before and has a fain flicker to it. The friend might be in danger and is severely weakened.

An alchemist revels in the discovery of new ingredients for there baffling brews. They have a solution for every problem, in the form of a vail of liquid.
Character Creation: 3 Advancement Points.
As an Alchemist, you can make a Brewing (Mind)Check once per day, to see if you can make a Potion. This takes 2 hours.
An Alchemist can make Potion they think up or use Recipe that they can buy in a store. If they use a Recipe, they get advantage on there Brewing Check.