Character Sheet
The Character Sheet is a small piece of paper that contains the basic parameters of your character. It will grow along with your character as you level up.
The top row of the Character Sheet holds your character's name, and race. To learn more about The Races, visit "Races" under "Character Creation". In the middle of the sheet, you record your character level.
The second row from the top holds your Physical Stats (Body/Mobility) and your Mental Stats (Mind/Presence). Right underneath those, you can find your Active Stats (Focus/Health/Soul).
Underneath your Stats, there is a small zone dedicated to your "Wounds"(See"Combat" under "Taking Damage"). And at the bottom of the sheet you can find your "Soul Availability"(See "Magic Mastery" under "Character Creation").

This Stat refers to the power of your body. This Stat will help you lift boulders, survive poison, punch harder, run faster and make you overall more resilient to dying.
Physical Stats

This Stat refers to the rapidness and fitness of the body. This stat will help you dodge blows, react faster, be more stealthy and be more sneaky.

Mental Stats

This Stat represents the image you (and other people) have of you. your presence can help you
This Stat represents the power of the mind, it denotes your ability to investigate, perceive your environment and your knowledge on all sorts of matters.

Active Stats

This Stat represents your mental focus. You will use some focus to make impressive moves, but you might also want to keep your focus on a difficult spell.

This Stat represents the Power of your Soul. You will use this power to cast magic or use magical items. Be warned though, if your soul were ever to reach zero, you instantly die.

This Stat represents your life force. It tells you how healthy you are. (For more on health, see "Taking Damage" under "Combat").

A Level-Up Happens when the players complete a great objective. What qualifies as this is up to the GM. It might happen after the main story bead when players complete a few side quests or even at the end of each play session. You can level up to a maximum level of 20.
Leveling-Up happens in 3 Phases:
There are two types of rolls:
You only need these 2 types of Dice: D20 and D6.
- Stat roll:
You Roll a D20 and add the corresponding Stat to the rolled value. You are trying to roll over the difficulty set by the GM (Game Master). For example, you roll 15 on Body whilst trying to lift a rock. The GM reveals the difficulty was 14, so you succeed and lift the rock.
- Damage roll:
When in combat, you might do (or take) damage. This is always done with a D6. In the case of you doing damage, you roll the amount of D6 (as noted on the weapon card), and add the relevant Stat (also noted on the weapon card). The damage is then subtracted from the target's Health Stat.
When an effect gives you Dis Advantage, you roll 2 D20's and take the lower roll.
When an effect gives you Advantage, you roll 2 D20's and take the higher roll.

Making Rolls

D6 Dice Legend
Leveling Up

Phase 3:
As you Level-Up, your Mastery (See "Skills") increases.
You get 1 Skill Point, you can spend this to increase the level of one of your mastery's by 1. Choose a mastery that you have unlocked and color in the blank space of the next level on the level up card of the corresponding mastery. You then get access to the skill described next to the marked blank space.

Phase 2:
As you Level-Up, your Health Stat increases.
Roll a D6 and add your Body Stat to it. Then add this value to your max health.

Phase 1:
As you Level-Up, your Stat increases.
Choose one of the following Stats: Body, Mobility, Mind, Presence or Focus. Then add 1 to the chosen Stat. A Stat can't go over 10.
Stats Up
Health Up
Skill Point