In this world, magic is a rare sight. Not all people will react the same way, and many shun it or damn it as demon worship. Taking a Magic Mastery thusly holds a few risks.
No one has inherent Magic powers. They are always given by a mysterious force or pulled from an item with an arcane past. For this reason, magic is split into 2 aesthetics.
If you pull your magic from an item, you can't use any of your Magic Skills if you don't have the item in your possession.
On the other hand, if the magic has been bestowed upon your body, your body will be scared in arcane runes and lines, that emits a glow when you use your Magic Skills. In this case, you can't be separated from your magic, but your arcane association is there for all to see.
To use Magic, you spend Mana points. The amount of Mana points you have is determined by your Soul Stat. Mana points are regained when taking a Long Rest. Seeing as Mana represents the power of your Soul, Using all your mana points leaves you exhausted. The GM can choose to have you take a level of Exhaustion when your Mana reaches 0. The 0 mark on your mana counter represents the point where using further Mana would be Lethal. It is possible to cast more spells, but this will result in instant death.
Some Magic Mastery's are "Claiming", this means that they claim a big part of your being in order for you to use them. When you take one of these Mastery's, you mark the middle and biggest triangle on the character sheet in the "Soul Availability" section. you can not have more than 1 Claiming Magic Mastery.
When a Magic Mastery isn't claiming, you mark one of the smaller triangles in the "Soul Availability" section of the Character Sheet. You can't have more than 4 Non-Claiming Magic Mastery's.
But these can't be taken during character creation.
Magic Mastery's

Mark of the Mind focuses on playing with the minds of other creatures. They spin convincing illusions​, link creatures' minds together and eventually convince reality itself of there illusions.
Character Creation: 8 Advancement Points.
-> Claiming
Level 1:
You can make an illusion, that consists of an amount of the Component listed in your illusion table equal to your "Mark of the Mind" Level. Each Component added also adds to the Mana cost. Holding an illusion counts as a Concentration Skill. The illusion cant take up more space than a Small Radius. If a creature interacts with your illusion, you roll the Saving Throw. If this interaction has any relation to an active Component, you get advantage on the roll.
Level 2:
You can now link together the minds of a number of willing creatures equal to your "Mark of the Mind" Level. Linked Creatures can communicate telepathically. Holding up a Mind Like counts as a Concentration Skill.
Level 3:
You can make a basic illusion that looks just like you. it can't talk or attack but can interact with basic objects and mechanisms. you control the illusion telepathically. Holding a Clone counts as a Concentration Skill.
Level 4:
You can hold up to 3 Concentration Skills at the same time.
Level 5:
Your Clones are so realistic, that you can fool reality into thinking they are the real you. You can transfer your mind into a clone, whereupon they become your real body, and your old body becomes a Clone.
Mark of the Mind

Mark of Nature is one with the nature around them. They can gain such a detailed understanding of plants, that they are able to grow them from nothing.
Character Creation: 8 Advancement Points.
-> Claiming
Level 1:
You can take 2 hours per day to research a plant that you have with you. You make a Presence Check to see if you gain an understanding of the plant.
You can grow plants that you understand. The Mana you need to grow a plant depends on the plant. Each plant has it's own behavior, it's up to you to use this to your advantage.
Level 2:
Once per day and for 1 hour, you can speak with plants. Plants don't speak in words, they give a wide range of emotions and feelings, and in rare cases even a flash of an image.
Level 3:
You can walk into a tree, and exit out of another, they can't be further away from each other than 100m.
Level 4:
By spending a big amount of Mana, you can Connect all plants in a Big Radius to your Soul. They will obey your commands, like block people's path, or Constrain them.
Level 5:
You are so intuned with nature, that part of your body becomes nature. You can grow Plants from your body; change your appearance by, for example, growing leaves or bark; and blend in with nature, giving you Advantage on stealth checks.

Mark of Nature

Mark of the Wild is Most at home with wild animals and beasts. They can form an unbreakable bond with these creatures.
Character Creation: 8 Advancement Points.
-> Claiming
Level 1:
You can try to tame a creature once per day. Describe how you will go about this to your GM, he will decide the DC-based on your process. then make a Presence check. You can have an amount of Taimed Creatures as shown on your Taimer table. At night, you can make an additional Presence check to see if you can teach your Companions a new trick. Tricks are verbal commands that the Companion will execute in and out of combat.
Level 2:
Look, hear and smell what your Companion can sense. This Skill counts as a Concentration Skill
Level 3:
Once per day, you can speak with animals for 1 Hour.
Level 4:
Your mind and that of your Companion become one for a split second, causing you to both know everything the other is perceiving and thinking. Your Companion can execute more Complex maneuvres this way, even if they don't know this as a trick.
Level 5:
You take on one of the passive traits of your Companion.
Mark of the Wild

Mark of the Trixter
Mark of The Trixter plays tricks even on the concept of magic itself.
They create original gamic from their experiences, in the form of a deck of magical cards.
Character Creation: 8 Advancement Points.
-> Claiming
Level 1:
A Trixter can summon a deck of magical cards. These cards are a manifestation of there memories. Trixters gain new cards by experiencing certain things. these things are further described in the Trixter Card Tabel. At the start of their turn during combat, the trixter draws cards equal to there trixter level. These are the spells they can use for this round. A trixter can spend a mana point to draw an additional card. When a card is played, it is put on the bottom of their deck.
At the end of their turn, the trixter puts their entire hand on the bottom of their deck, and shuffle it. Outside of combat, the trixter has full access to all their cards. When a Trixter takes a long rest, they can Rearainge their deck. The deck always consists of 30 Cards. If they take a card out of the deck, they bust also take out all other cards with the same name. Cards come in sets(as noted on the card). A set must always be in the deck in its entirety.
Level 2:
The Trixter Can now place a card as a trap on the ground. This counts as a Concentration spell.
The trap goes off when Concentration is dropped. This doesn't cost an action.
Level 3:
The trixter can spend 2 points of mana to gain 1 action point. you can only do this once per turn.
Level 4:
The Trixter can reroll a Dice, but they must take the new result.
Level 5:
The Trixter Changes a Dice Roll with a Coin Flip. Heads are 20, Tails are 1.

Mark of the Forge
Mark of The Forge is master to weapon and metal alike.
They can study weapons and make them out of blisteringly hot energy.
Character Creation: 10 Advancement Points.
-> Claiming
Level 1:
When you take a long rest, you can study a weapon. Make a Mind Check vs Weapon DC. If you succeed, you get a forgery of this weapon and (if there is a mastery tree for this weapon type) you also gain a skill point for that weapon type. Each weapon type can only be studied once. Using your Forge skill, you can manifest these weapons out of thin air. Manifesting a weapon automatically causes you to make an attack with it if you so desire.
Additionally, you get a D20 Witch tracks your Heat level. Forging a Forgery Gives you an amount of heat as shown on the card and holding a forgery gives you one point of heat at the start of each turn. When your heat level is above 10, you start to take 1 point every turn. When it's above 15, 2 points. Your heat level cant exceed 20.
You can expand some heat to set fire to your hand, Doing fire dmg to whomever you touch.
Level 2:
You can expand some heat to create a cloud of smoke around you. Keeping up this cloud count as Concentration
Creatures can't see threw the cloud.
Level 3:
When touching a target, you can transfer some heat to their body. Causing some pain and setting the cursed status on them until your next round.
Level 4:
You expand a big amount of heat all at once, creating a torrent of flame all around you in a medium radius
Level 5:
You have mastered the manifesting of your forgery's. You can now hold 2 forgery's at the same time.