Resting Up

After a long day of adventuring, the players might have to take a little bit of a rest to regain some health and energy. There are two types of resting:

Short Rest
Players take a rest that lasts 1 hour. They consume some food and regain 50% of there max Health (Current Health + Max Health/2).
Players can take multiple Short Rest per day.

Long Rest
Players take a rest that lasts 8 hours. 2 of them can be free time. They consume some food, and regain 100% of there max Health and regain all expended Soul points.
Players can take only 1 Long Rest per day.

Armor is your first defense during Combat.
At the top of the card, you can find your Armor Class. This is the Difficulty other creatures will have to roll over in order to land a blow on you.
Underneath that, you can find a small art piece representing how the Armor looks, with right below it the name the armor holds.
The middle Strip of the Card is reserved for any Resistance the armor might have(See "Elements"), and the small box right below that shows you if the armor has any special ability's.
At the bottom of the card, you can find a small icon, showing if it's heavy armor (Arrow Down), or light armor (Arrow Up).
Heavy Armor:
When wairing Heavy Armor, you add your Body Stat too your Armor Class. You also get Dis Advantage on Stealth Checks but get a bonus on Elemental Checks (See "Elements").
Light Armor:
When wairing Light Armor, you add your Mobility Stat too your Armor Class. You get no penalty to any Stat Rolls.
There are multiple types of gear that are all represented by a card. This can be an item, a weapon, armor,...
Keep in mind, that your character can never equip 2 of the same type of item. For example, you can't wair 2 belts, but you can wair a belt and gloves...


Icon Legend

If an armor has a resistance (for example 1D6 fire),
and you take damage if the resistance type. Roll the resistance dice, and subtract the rolled value from the damage

Items can come in many forms, but they all function in the same basic way.
Some might be items that you wair or use, but it might also be a potion that you drink or throw.
The biggest part of the card is taken up by a piece of art with right underneath that a small box with the Item name in it. Right below that is a text box that tells you what the item does.
Potions have 3 different quality types, with each of them having a better effect.
In order, these are Potion, Masterwork and Elixir.

Your weapon is your primary way of attacking your adversary's.
Each weapon belongs to a category, witch dictates the Weapon Mastery it has access to (See "Weapon Mastery" under "Character Creation").
At the top of the card, you find the scaling Stat of this weapon. This is the Stat you add to your Damage and Hit Rolls (See "Combat").
Underneath that, you can find a small art piece representing how the Weapon looks, with right below it the name the armor holds.
Just beneath that, you find to boxes. The left one tells you how many Action Points (See "Combat") it takes to attack with this weapon. The right one tells you how many D6 dice you roll when dealing with damage.
The box underneath that shows you any ability the weapon might hold.
